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Community Service

1.  For three Rotary years 1995-1998, our club teamed up with the Lee Po Chun United World College to launch the English Enrichment Course for Newly Arrived Immigrant Children from mainland China.  The project won the best District Community Service Project award in 1996.


2. Since 1995, each year our club sponsors the “Star Reaching (摘星計劃)” youth service program organized by the Tai Po District Fight Crime Committee and Hong Kong Children & Youth Services.  The main objective of this program is to help young people in the Tai Po community aged 15-20, mostly school drop-outs or street children, to stay away from crime and lead a more positive and meaningful life.   Rotary Club of Tai Po members have been actively supporting this project and performed “hands-on” service by attending the training camps, discussion groups, ceremonies, joining the outdoor activities and exchange views on youth and social issues and served as mentors.

3.  In Rotary year 2003-05, our club worked closely with the Salvation Army Social Services Dept. (救世軍社會服務部) to launch the “Emergency Poverty Relieve Fund (緊急援助基金)” to provide emergency fund to help the poor.  In 2005/06, our club also cooperated with the Salvation Army and started a project known as Home Improvement Scheme for Elderly (改善長者家居安全計劃) to help the elderly in Tai Po. This project won us the District Award for Community Service in 2005/06.

4.  We shifted our focus to the youth service and since 2007/08 we worked with Salvation Army youth social workers team in Tai Po to launch the “Reaching the Summit 勇闖高峰” and “Shinning Face  閃爍計劃” program for students of Tai Po Heung Yee Kuk Secondary School (HYKSS) & CCC Fung Leung Kit Memorial Secondary School.  Under a well designed training program featuring outward bound camp and various skills training such as music band or dance lessons as well as vocational visits, students with poor academic results, low self-esteem and tendency to skip schools regained their self-confidence.  Learning about various skills and discipline motivated them to improve and strengthen their communications with their parents and teachers.  In 2010/11, we launched another “Sunshine Teens” project to cover all Form one students of HYKSS with the support from medical team from Prince of Wales hospital and Tai Po Football club.

5. We have been nominated by the Salvation Army, and was recognized annually  since 2005 as the  “Caring Organization (同心展關懷機構)” by the HK Council of Social Services.


Community Service

Copyright 2023 Rotary Club of Tai Po

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