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Our Recent Services

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3 July 2022


25 July 2022

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Blood Donation Day

27 Aug 2022

Project Dignity Hong Kong (PDHK) is a sustainable Social Enterprise based in Singapore. Like its parent company, PDHK offers a range of unique experiences to do good through food from culinary courses and team building to food delivery and retail. The company's mission is its approach to restoring dignity to the differently-abled and the disadvantaged through skills training, job placement, and integration.

According to Project Dignity:


We don't look at their disability. We look at their ability.

We aim to provide a pathway for differently abled and disadvantages people in the society to reinforce their dignity.

25 Sep 2022

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Rotary work on polio eradication is proof that vaccines save lives. 3 billion children have been vaccinated against polio and the cases of polio have been reduced by 99.9% since 1988. But we know the job is not done until every child is vaccinated, and polio is stopped for good. Help us share the message that #VaccinesWork.

We participated in District 3450 End Polio Walkathon.

22 Oct 2022

District Preserve Planet Earth Tour

6 Nov 2022

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Micro-landscape Sphere Workshop with our Rotaract Club of Tai Po

4 Dec 2022

童SEN童戲 聖誕蠟燭製作坊 with Rotary Club of Central

17 Dec 2022

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20 Dec 2022

Our joint water project "A Drop of Life in Cambodia" with 11 Rotary Clubs. We built a pond in Samroang district where more than 1,000 villagers are served. The pond was just completed in March 2023.

Mar 2023

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Our 'Toastmasters' project ~ this project help enhance the presentation, organizational, and public speaking skills of tertiary students, and cultivate a talent pool for our future workforce; to enhance students' self-confidence and convey positivity through sharing personal thoughts and stories through speeches; and build students’ network who treasure public speaking, exchange ideas, broaden knowledge and learn from one another.

Our PP KF Tam represented the club as one of the judging panel of the competition on 25 Mar 2023.

Mar 2023

We held our annual career expo to help secondary school students in Tai Po

17 Feb 2023

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搞星計劃是我們針對青年的年度項目。透過運動介入 , 包括體適能訓練、新興運動體驗活動、活.歷.社區體驗活動及活歷社區同樂日 , 協助青少年從正確途徑建立正向朋輩網絡,增強社交及溝通技巧丶團隊精神,提升正向人際關係,降低參與不良朋黨的危機;計劃讓青少年認識新興運動周邊行業,探索多元出路發展 , 提升生涯發展動機。

17 Feb 2023

搞星計劃活 歷 體 多啲" 嘉許禮
透過運動介入,協助青少年從正確途徑建立正向朋輩網絡,增強社交及溝通技巧、團隊精神,提升正向人際關係,降低參與不良朋黨的危機。提升青少年的守法意識,鼓勵青少年及社區人士認識守法的重要性,讓他們建立從健康正向生活之中,建立自我效能感,降低參與騙案、爆竊及盜竊等罪案的機會。• 協助青少年從「延展工作」經驗中發掘個人特質,協助青少年建立健康的自我形象,提升自尊感及自信心,建立正確的價值觀,培養正向思維,從而建立積極正面的生涯身份。協助青少年認識運動周邊行業,探索多元出路發展,提升生涯發展動機,降低參與違法活動的風險。

24 Feb 2023

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陽光少年 Maker+

28 Apr 2023

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